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2008-2017 年四川省泸州市肺结核流行趋势分析

[摘要]目的 分析 2008-2017 年四川省泸州市肺结核 ( pulmonary tuberculosis,PTB) 疫情流行特征,掌握流行趋势, 为今后制定肺结核防控策略提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法对2008-2017年泸州市肺结核疫情资料进行分析,率的比较采用 χ2 检验,检验水准 α=0. 05。结果 2008-2017 年泸州市共报告肺结核患者 34 392 例,年均报 告率为 82. 29/10 万,报告发病率从 103. 66/10 万下降至 61. 03/10 万,肺结核疫情呈逐年下降趋势 ( χ2趋势 =-32. 83,P <0. 01) ,年均递降率为6. 70%。2008-2017 年,泸州市共登记肺结核患者36 635 例,年均登记现患率为87. 66/10 万, 登记现患率从 119. 78/10 万下降至 65/10 万,登记现患率呈逐年下降趋势 ( χ2趋势 = -36. 19,P<0. 01) ,年均递降率为 7. 03%; 男性患者年均报告率为118. 19/10 万,女性患者为 45. 53/10 万,男性发病是女性 2. 66 倍,两者发病率差异 有统计学意义 ( χ2 =4 760. 56,P<0. 01) ; 发病年龄主要集中在35~64 岁,占 56. 98%,随着年龄增加发病率呈上升趋 势 ( χ2趋势 =89. 83,P<0. 01) ,60~79 岁老年男性发病率最高; 职业分布中农民发病最多,占 75. 32%; 一年四季均有 病例报告,以 1 月和 3 月稍高; 发病地区分布不均衡,3 个贫困县年平均报告发病率 94. 85/10 万,4 个非贫困县区年 平均报告发病率 74. 61/10 万,两者差异有统计学意义 ( χ2 = 745. 55,P < 0. 01) ; 2013 - 2017 年耐多药发现率 ( 8. 97%) 高于全国水平 ( 8. 32%) 和四川省第五次结核流调水平 ( 4. 2%) 。结论 四川省泸州市肺结核疫情呈逐年 下降趋势,贫困县是结核病高发地区,男性、农民和中老年人群是防控的主要人群,耐药监测和防控将是今后肺结核 防控的重点工作。 

[关键词]肺结核; 流行病学; 流行特征 

[中图分类号] R521,R181. 8 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-2116 ( 2019) 01-032-07

作者单位:泸州市疾病预防控制中心 ( 四川 泸州 646000) 

作者简介:何文林 ( 1984-) ,女,本科,主管医师,结核病 预防控制,E-mail:182261304@ qq. com 

通信作者:陈航 ( 1973-) ,男,本科,副主任医师,公共卫 生疾病控制,E-mail:331999758@ qq. com

Analysis on The Epidemic Trend of Pulmonary Tuberculosis From 2008 to 2017 in Luzhou of Sichuan Province

HE Wenlin,ZHAO Lianghua,LIU Hong,CHEN Hang Luzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control And Prevention,Luzhou 646000,Sichuan Province,China.

Abstract Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and the epidemic trend of pulmonary tuberculosis ( PTB) in Luzhou from 2008 to 2017,so as to provide the evidence for formulating prevention and control strategies. Methods The descriptive epidemiological analysis method was used to analysis the data of PTB in Luzhou from 2008 to 2017. Results There were 34 392 PTB cases reported in Luzhou from 2008 to 2017,and the annual average incidence rate was 61. 03/105. The incidence rates declined from 113. 9/105to 61. 03/105,which showed a downward trend year by year ( P<0. 01) ,the annual decline rate was 6. 70%. There were 36 635 cases of PTB patients registered from 2008 to 2017,the annual average registered prevalence rate was 87. 66/105,which declined from 119. 78/105 to 65/ 105,showing a declining trend year by year ( P < 0. 01) ,and the annual decline rate was 7. 03%. The incidence rate in male and female was 118. 19/105 and 45. 53/105 respectively,the incidence rate of male was 2. 6 times higher than that of female,the difference was statistical ( P<0. 01) . Most cases were in the age group from 35-64 years old,accounting for 56. 98%,with the age increased the incidence rate increased ( P<0. 01) and peaked in 60-79 male group. Most cases was farmer,accounting for 75. 32%. The PTB cases were reported all seasons but little higher in January to March. The PTB incidence rate in different district was imbalanced,the annual average incidence rate of the three poverty counties was 94. 85/105,the other four counties was 74. 61/105,the difference between them was statistical ( P<0. 01) . The multidrug resistance rate ( 8. 97%) from 2013 to 2017 was higher than that in the fifth epidemiological survey in Sichuan province ( 4. 2%) issued in 2010 and the national level ( 8. 32%) . Conclusion The PTB epidemic trend in Luzhou has steadily declined in recent years. The poverty counties are high incidence area. The male,farmers,middle-aged and elderly population are the focus population of prevention and control,and the drug resistance monitoring and prevention should be the key point in the future. 

Key words pulmonary tuberculosis; epidemiology; epidemiological characteristics
